
恒生 Visa、MasterCard信用卡捐款平台

稱呼 Title *:

姓名 Name *

手提電話 Mobile *

收據 Receipt *

地址 Address: (用作郵寄捐款收據用途,如需郵寄捐款收據請填寫詳細地址 It is used for receipt insurance. If you request donation receipt, please fill in complete address.)

日間電話 Tel :

聯絡電郵 Email *

計劃選擇 Plan selection *

資助者編號 (如有) Donor Ref No.:

捐款資料 Donation information:

捐款金額 Donation amount *
港幣 $100 以上之捐款將獲發免稅收據
Tax exemption receipt will be issued for donation of HK$100 or above


香港基督教協進會將盡力遵守《個人資料(私隱)條例》中所列載的規定,確保所儲存的個人資料的安全及依照所說明的目的使用。本會將運用 閣下填寫本表格的個人資料(包括姓名、電話、電郵、傳真及地址),僅作處理是次活動、通信及寄發文件之用,敬請留意。



Privacy statement
The Hong Kong Christian Council will do its best to comply with the requirements set out in the "Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance" to ensure the security of stored personal data and its use in accordance with the stated purpose. We will use your personal information (including name, phone number, email, fax and address) that you submit to us for processing this event, communication and sending documents. Please pay attention.
Our online donation system operates in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. All credit card information will be encrypted and will not be stored on our server. Please make sure that the information you entered is correct. This transaction cannot be cancelled after the bank has approved it. The payment amount will be deducted from your credit card account immediately.
If you have any enquiries, please call 2368-7123 or click here for more contact information.